Patapsco CCBC

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March 23

PatapscoPre-registration is required and will open on Monday, March 17 at 6pm and close at 12 noon on Saturday March 22.
There will be no day-of registration.

Welcome back to this section of Patapsco Valley State Park, where you'll find fairly typical ridge/valley terrain (similar to Avalon/Orange Grove), with steep hillsides going down to the streams, an extensive trail network, and small rocks scattered about. Kim and Anne Jepsen have designed a full set of courses (white through blue, including beige) for your enjoyment.

Event check-in will be on the CCBC Catonsville campus in the parking lot 6 adjacent to the multi-use fields.

Important Note: Patapsco Valley State Park has a strict rain policy, which will force us to postpone or cancel the event in case of more than 1/4” of rain within the 24 hours preceding the event. Please check this webpage for possible cancellation notices before traveling to the meet if rain has been falling in the preceding 24+ hours. If we are forced to cancel this event after registration has opened, we will fully refund all entry fees.

Free Beginner Instruction will be offered, but please reach out to the Event Director if you have a group, so we can plan accordingly. Also, make sure to check out our Your First Event and For Beginners webpages.

Youth Group Leaders: Please see our For Group Leaders webpage if you are leading a youth or large group – even though you will be pre-registering online. Please contact the Event Director to make them aware of your plans and numbers.

Volunteer Sign Ups: If you'd like to help at this event, please contact the Event Director.

Check in will open about 9:45am and courses will open at 10:00am. Everyone must be out of the woods and back at the registration/finish area by 3:00pm when we will begin picking up the controls. Allow yourself time to get back to the registration area and download regardless of whether you have finished. We want to make sure of everyone’s safety and status.


  • There is no water on the course. Participants are responsible for their own hydration need before, during and after their courses.
  • Dogs are welcome in the park but must be on a leash at all times.
  • There are no pavilions or park shelters at this registration/parking area, but the parking lot is covered by large solar panels.
  • Portable toilets are available in the registration area.
  • The size of start teams (groups of individuals orienteering together with one e-punch) on a course must be no more than four (4) individuals (juniors and adults combined).
  • Invasive wavyleaf basketgrass is present in the park, but seeds are not a problem at this time of year.


Patapsco Valley State Park, CCBC Catonsville, Catonsville, MD (Classic)

RegistrationAdvance registration is required. Registration will open Monday, March 17 at 6pm and close at 12 noon on Saturday March 22.


Who's Registered? Check by clicking here.

Start TimesStart times will be by windows (to be defined for this event before registration opens).
ScheduleSunday, March 23
10:00 am - 3:00 pmClassic:
Event Director:John Landers
Course Designer:Anne Jepsen
Course Designer:Kim Jepsen
Location Details

Patapsco Valley State Park
CCBC Catonsville
Catonsville, MD
Google Map

Take 95 to 195/166 west. Take this until the road ends at South Rolling Road (keep right or you will end up in the Park-n-Ride). Go right/North on South Rolling Road. South Rolling Road has speed cameras so pay attention to the posted speed limit. Take South Rolling road to Campus Drive (there is a stop light there). Go left on Campus Drive. Follow Campus Drive to the top of the hill where the road splits to make a loop around the campus; keep left at this split. Follow the road around to Lot 6. Registration will be towards the field.
Google Maps Link
Apple/iPhone Link
Entry FeesIndividual Entries

Note: juniors = under 21

Club Member, adult Club Member, junior Non-Member, adult Non-Member, junior
$10 $5 $20 $5

Group Entries

Participants are welcome to orienteer together as a group (up to the maximum for that event; usually 4). Each member of a group is charged their individual rate as shown above, up to a group total of $30 (maximum), and each receives a map. A group receives one epunch. Individuals or groups desiring to compete on a second course after completing their first can do so for a reduced fee of $2/map subject to approval at the event by the Event Director.

Important Notes
  • If you wish to become a QOC member you should join online in advance via this webpage (which also explains the member benefits). Membership is completely optional.
  • Most of our events use an 'epunch' timing chip for electronic timing. Individuals or groups without their own epunch will be loaned one for that event. Loaned epunches that are lost incur a $40 replacement fee. Epunches (also known as SI-cards or finger sticks) can be purchased from online vendors as described here.
  • Former QOC members who have let their membership lapse pay non-member fees.
  • Compasses are available at no charge, but if lost incur a $15 replacement fee.
  • Please provide collateral (such as car keys) when borrowing a compass or epunch.
  • Beginners are encouraged to watch relevant videos such as this one created by QOC's instructional guru David Onkst.