About this Site

The Website
Just as was the case for the historic club website created and maintained by Sid Sachs from 1996 to 2010, this new (as of September 2010) Quantico Orienteering Club website has been designed and implemented entirely by volunteers. It now utilizes the open-source and freely available Drupal Content Management System and is powered by a LINUX Apache server. This gives us great flexibility and a solid foundation for future growth. The Drupal theme layer was built using the Fusion base theme and customizing the freely available Acquia Prosper Fusion subtheme. Event, result, and membership data is stored in a secure sql database backend using custom drupal modules to allow for orienteering club specific needs.
Our Vision
Our vision is to use web technologies to provide up-to-the-minute information and the best possible online experience to event participants, members, volunteers, and supporters. Throughout the next months and years, site visitors will see constant updates as we strive toward that shared vision. We welcome all comments.
A Collaborative Spirit
In the spirit of collaboration for which the orienteering community is well-known, as developer of the orienteering specific modules, I would like to make this Drupal code freely available for any other 501(c)3 orienteering club to implement on a new or existing Drupal site. If your organization is interested, and your club leadership would like to follow up on this offer, please feel free to contact me directly.
Dan Felitsky
Volunteer and Lead Developer
The QOC Website Team