Environmental Principles

Club activities must take into account QOC's Environmental Principles:
1. to continue to be aware of the need to preserve a healthy environment and to integrate this principle into the fundamental conduct of Orienteering;
2. to ensure that the rules of competition and best practices in the organizaton of events are consistent with the principle of respect for the environment and the protection of flora and fauna;
3. to co-operate with landowners, government authorities and environmental organizations so that best practices may be defined;
4. to take particular care to observe local regulations for environmental protection, to maintain the litter-free nature of Orienteering and to take proper measures to avoid pollution;
5. to include environmental good practices in the education and training of orienteers and officials;
6. to heighten the national federations' awareness of world-wide environmental problems so that they may adopt, apply and popularize principles to safeguard Orienteering's sensitive use of the countryside;
7. to recommend that Orienteering USA prepare environmental good practice guidelines for the United States.