Cabin John

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September 26

Photo by Andrew GastwirthWelcome back to Cabin John Regional Park, one of our family-friendliest orienteering venues. Veteran course setter Russ Damtoft has designed a nearly full range of courses (2 beginner, 1 intermediate, and 3 advanced; full stats are below). Event check-in will be in front of Shirley Povich Field on the south side of the powerlines near the ice arena (directions below).

Additionally, we will be offering a limited Radio Orienteering (ARDF) course at this event. Information about the ARDF course can be found here.

Pre-registration is required for this event and will open at 6pm on Monday, September 20th.

As usual, youth groups and other large groups planning to attend this event should contact the Event Director well in advance so that we can coordinate pre-registration for your group; the group registration and waiver form is part of the information on our Group Leaders page.

Additional information:

  • PROPERLY WORN MASKS ARE REQUIRED at all times when near registration and epunch areas and their volunteers. This applies to everyone, whether or not you have been vaccinated.
  • Dogs on leash are welcome.
  • Certain advanced courses include a road crossing (actually two; once going, once coming back). There are controls on both sides of the road, and the time taken in between them will be subtracted for both crossings so these participants can concentrate on crossing the road safely rather than speedily.
  • Please don't park in the area directly south of the ice rink - it's reserved for skaters. Park police have been known to ticket cars parked at the ice arena that are not there for ice activities, so be forewarned!
  • Feel free to use our Contact Us form if you have any questions!


Cabin John Regional Park, Shirley Povich Field, Rockville, MD (Classic)

RegistrationRegistration for this event will open at 6pm on Monday Sept. 20 via this link. Registration will close at noon on Saturday Sept. 25 (the day before the event).
Who's registered? Check by clicking here. Sorting by column is possible too - just click on the column name.

Start TimesStart times will be by windows (to be defined for this event before registration opens).
ScheduleSunday, September 26
10:00 am - 3:00 pmClassic:
Event Director:Don Fish
Course Designer:Russ Damtoft
Location Details

Cabin John Regional Park
Shirley Povich Field
Rockville, MD
Google Map

Take I-270 to Democracy Blvd. Merge onto Democracy Boulevard heading west and go 0.3 miles, just beyond the Montgomery Mall. [Note: This exit is not accessible coming west on the Beltway; click the Google Maps link for directions.] Then turn RIGHT onto Westlake Drive, at the joint Exxon/Shell gas station. In just 0.1 miles, after the second light, turn left at the signs to enter this part of Cabin John park. Drive straight to the T intersection and stop sign; then turn right and follow around to the parking area to the left beyond the ice rink parking area. DO NOT PARK in the area directly south of the ice rink entrance - it is reserved for ice rink users and is quite busy on weekends. Park closer to the small buildings and ticket building near Shirley Povich field, where our registration area will be located.
Course DetailsClassic
Course NameLength (km)Climb (m)No. Controls
White 24011
Yellow 1.9509
Orange 3.610013
Brown 3.310011
Green 5.213517
Red 7.913523
Course NotesClassic

It is still late summer, and the woods are still quite green. In general, you should expect that the woods are a little thicker than mapped. All courses down to yellow and orange will have a certain amount of bashing through the woods. For those who are used to this map, the power line cut is more overgrown than before, and paths that you may have been used to may no longer be usable.

Both the ballfields and the miniature train are likely to be operational. Please stay off the ballfields. No course crosses the train tracks, but if you go astray, please be aware and stay away from the trains. If you have small kids, take them on a ride afterwards!

Red and green will have to cross Tuckerman Lane, a busy thoroughfare. Crossing is at the same point in both direction; there is a control on either side of the road. TIME BETWEEN THOSE CONTROLS WILL NOT COUNT AGAINST YOUR TIME. Take your time, look both ways, and cross when it's safe. These courses will also cross Cabin John Creek a couple of times in the upstream part of the map. This shouldn't create an insurmountable obstacle.

Green, Red, and Orange course participants may encounter control boxes (numbered 150 and above) with no control flag next to them. Ignore them - they are for the ARDF training event.

The course setter counted five deer, a turtle, a black snake, and various waterbirds while setting the course. It should be a beautiful day to be in the woods. Enjoy!

Entry FeesIndividual Entries

Note: juniors = under 21

Club Member, adult Club Member, junior Non-Member, adult Non-Member, junior
$10 $5 $20 $5

Group Entries

Participants are welcome to orienteer together as a group (up to the maximum for that event; usually 4). Each member of a group is charged their individual rate as shown above, up to a group total of $30 (maximum), and each receives a map. A group receives one epunch. Individuals or groups desiring to compete on a second course after completing their first can do so for a reduced fee of $2/map subject to approval at the event by the Event Director.

Important Notes
  • If you wish to become a QOC member you should join online in advance via this webpage (which also explains the member benefits). Membership is completely optional.
  • Most of our events use an 'epunch' timing chip for electronic timing. Individuals or groups without their own epunch will be loaned one for that event. Loaned epunches that are lost incur a $40 replacement fee. Epunches (also known as SI-cards or finger sticks) can be purchased from online vendors as described here.
  • Former QOC members who have let their membership lapse pay non-member fees.
  • Compasses are available at no charge, but if lost incur a $15 replacement fee.
  • Please provide collateral (such as car keys) when borrowing a compass or epunch.
  • There is no planned, on-site beginner instruction, but beginners are encouraged to watch relevant videos such as this one created by QOC's instructional guru David Onkst