College Park

May 3
Welcome to QOC’s event at the University of Maryland at College Park, co-sponsored by the wonderful Terrapin Trail Club at the University of Maryland. The UMD event is always special as it is one of the few “urban” meets we offer, with runners having to navigate through a university campus rather than through the woods. With a new setting comes new challenges and new opportunities for orienteers of all levels to improve their skill and athleticism!
The course designer for the meet, Ken Walker, has created two sprint courses, Sprint A and Sprint B, of similar length and difficulty, each approximately 3-4 km long (actual distance, not the "straight line" distance). Advanced orienteers can run both courses with a break in between; beginners may go out on either one. Regardless of which course(s) you decide on, all competitors will face the challenges of route choice and navigating through a maze of roads, paths, and buildings at a fast pace. And note the map scale: it will be 1:5000 for both course maps.
As with all QOC events, we will have free newcomer instruction at this event. A QOC member will show you how to read a map, teach you how to use a compass with your map and give you hints how to navigate your choice of course. Besides that, wear comfortable clothes and bring running shoes. Terrapin Trail Club members take note: we are offering special incentives to encourage you to come out to this event! (Details below.) Orienteering adds a puzzle-solving component to the physical challenges of running, as you must decide which way to go to avoid obstacles such as buildings, walls, and fences. Speed will win the race, but only if you can stay focused on the map and avoid mistakes!
The registration, start, and finish will be near the tennis courts on the west side of Cole Field House. Ample parking is available in the parking lots behind the tennis courts. Registration will be open from 10:45 am to 1:15 pm and runners may start anytime between 11am to 1:30pm. Everyone must be back at registration/finish area by 3:00 pm, which is when we will begin picking up the course markers.
New! Interested in any intermediate/advanced training? Mihai Sirbu (Sr.) will be available to lead a session starting at 1:45pm; meet near the registration area.
Finally, because this event is being hosted at UMD, there will be special entry fee discounts for UMD students: the charge for UMD students (with ID) will be only $2, and the event will be totally free for all TTC members (normal rate: $10 for non-members).
Have a question? Feel free to ask any time using our Contact Us form.
Location | U. Maryland, College Park, Cole Field House, College Park, MD (Classic) | |||||||||||||||
Registration | No advance registration required. Just show up and have fun! | |||||||||||||||
Start Times | Start anytime between 11 - 1:30, and be back to download no later than 3pm. | |||||||||||||||
Schedule | Sunday, May 3
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Volunteers |
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Location Details |
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Course Details | Classic
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Entry Fees | Individual Entries
Note: juniors = under 21
Team or Group Entries Participants are welcome to compete together as a single team entry. Teams containing one or more nonmembers are charged the nonmember individual rate. Teams containing one or more adults are charged the adult individual rate. For teams to receive member or junior rates, all members of the team must be members or juniors, respectively. Each extra team map beyond the first is an additional $2. Individuals or teams desiring to compete on a second course can do so for a reduced fee of $2/map. Important Notes