PWF Pine Grove NRE

November 10
Pre-registration is required for this event and is now open. Registration will close at 12 noon on Saturday Nov. 9. There will be no day-of registration.
Welcome to day 2 of QOC's Night and Day O'Fest at Prince William Forest. Enjoy the beautiful fall woods of Prince William Forest near Pine Grove at this Classic/National Ranking Event (NRE)! (For information common to both weekend events, check out this website; for Saturday NightO - or should we say Saturnight? - event details, head here.)
Embargo Area: Because this is a national ranking event, prior to the event competitors are prohibited from entering the area shown on this map (which is defined as the park boundary on the East and South; by Liming Ln to Scenic Dr. Loop to Turkey Run Ridge Campground on the West; and by a line due East of Turkey Run Ridge Campground on the North). The road from the Park Main Entrance to Pine Grove arena/parking and to Turkey Run Ridge Campground/Arena is permissible to travel through the embargo area, remaining on the road. Shadowing of youth racers is only permitted after the adult completes their race; following a youngster on their course (which is permitted) is still a disqualifying violation of embargo if done before the adult races.
Map History: Pine Grove and nearby areas of Prince William Forest have been used for orienteering by QOC for decades. It’s still a favorite for many. The terrain is classic ridge and valley terrain with mostly open forest and some areas of significant deadfall. Remapped by Jon Torrance 2021/2022, updated early 2023 by Nadim Ahmed. Used for 3/12/2023 NRE (RouteGadget links listed below in Model Map info.)
Entrance Fees: You are required to pay an entrance fee in order to access Prince William Forest Park; cash is no longer accepted. Entrance fees and passes can be purchased with credit/debit card, mobile payment app, or online through
Parking will be at Williams Ball Field. Just follow QOC signage from the park entrance and look for volunteers in road guard vests.
SI Air+ Information: The punch boxes at controls will be SI Air+ enabled (so SIAC dibbers can be used), however the START and FINISH must be direct-punched.
Model Maps? Not in printed form! But feel free to check out previous course maps from here in our RouteGadget app, such as those held on 12mar2023, 2dec2018, or 29oct2017, among others.
Groups incl JROTC: adult and/or youth groups of up to 4 (max) may orienteer only on the White, Yellow or Orange courses, and they will be considered recreational (i.e. will not earn ranking points). We encourage JROTC cadets to register individually, but if planning to orienteer together, each such group must register (as a group).
Course stats and full course & map comments are now posted below.
Volunteer: Sign up for a volunteer slot via this form, or email the Event Director directly for other options.
Additional Information:
- Dogs are not permitted at this event.
- The rest rooms at Pine Grove will be open for our event.
- Beginner instruction will not be provided at this event.
- There will be water at the Start for this event, as well as on the courses, per OUSA guidelines.
Location | Prince William Forest Park, Pine Grove, Triangle, VA (Classic) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Registration | Advance registration is required. There is no day-of registration. Registration is now open, and will close at 12 noon on Saturday Nov. 9.
Who's Registered? Check by clicking here. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Start Times | Start times will not be pre-assigned. During your selected check-in time window, go to the Pavilion to check in and register your epunch/dibber. After that, head to the start, identify yourself and the course you're doing, and the start crew will give you a start time. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Schedule | Sunday, November 10
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Volunteers |
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Location Details |
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Course Details | Classic
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Course Notes | Classic Course Notes
Start: 600m from the event center.
From the park authorities: River crossing: The Blue, Red, Green, Brown and Orange courses cross South Fork Quantico Creek. The courses are designed to have a bridge option for crossing it. There are sections of the river mapped with the uncrossable stream bank symbol. As on 11/4/2024 the water level was low and the sections of South Fork Quantico Creek that are mapped as crossable were easily crossable. In some areas you might get your feet wet but nothing dangerous, but caution must be taken since there are some areas with deeper pools of water. Any rain the days before or during the event might affect the river water level. The Blue, Red, Green courses have river crossings where there is a road bridge that can be used. The bridge doesn’t have a separate section for pedestrians, so please watch out for traffic if using the bridge. Most gullies, reentrants, and small streams were dry a week before the race, even ones that are mapped as a watercourse. Rain is expected on Sunday which might change that. Road crossings:
The Blue, Red courses cross park roads; be careful when crossing. The Yellow course has a section that goes on the road. Please be mindful of cars on the road. New Update: Yellow course orienteers might encounter a barrier along one of the paths; please ignore it and just go around it. Refreshments: Water will be available on the courses. The Blue, Red, and Yellow courses have a refreshment point that is on another course's control, marked on the map as a cup symbol. Clothes drop off: will be provided at the start. Vegetation: In some areas there is intensive deadfall. Most of the course legs avoid these areas but there are a couple of legs that cross such areas. Competitors will generally do best going around deadfall mapped as Slow Walk when possible. Miscellaneous: There is currently construction on the playground near the event center. It is mapped as out of bounds on the map and it does not affect any courses. There are some instances of old telegraph wire on the ground. These have been flagged where found. Several out of bounds areas (campground, maintenance area, ranger residence, other) have been designated by the park. They are shown on the map but are not flagged. Some may be sections in open forest. Under penalty of disqualification, please use the map to keep an appropriate distance from all of these areas, especially where there are easy to identify buildings and roads. Map notes:
Blue 1:15000 (M21) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Entry Fees | Special Pricing Applies To This Event
Individual Entries Note: juniors = under 21
Group Entries For this event, participants may orienteer as a group only on the white, yellow and orange courses. The maximum group size is four. Each member of a group is charged their individual rate as shown above, up to a group total of $40 (maximum), and each receives a map. A group receives one epunch. Important Notes