Jump to Orange

September 30
Pre-registration is required and will open Monday, Sept. 25 at 6pm and close on Friday, Sept. 29 at 12 noon; there is no day-of registration.
Welcome to QOC’s Jump to Orange training event at Occoquan Regional Park (Shelter 3)!
Instead of the usual full slate of courses, this special training event is focused specifically on those interested in moving up to an Intermediate-level (Orange) course. For those interested in our customary full slate of White through Blue courses, please visit this webpage for the Sunday, October 1st event.
This event is an excellent opportunity for those of you who usually do White or Yellow courses to make the jump up to Orange with the help of an experienced QOC orienteer to coach you on the course. Coaches will offer participants as much or as little advice as they want or need. Course setter Victor Lin has designed a fun course to help get you off the trails to experience a whole new level of orienteering.
In order to be prepared to make the most of this opportunity, please check out our Moving Up to Intermediate Courses webpage. It is loaded with helpful information to help you succeed on your first Orange-orienteering adventure.
We encourage everyone to arrange a coach/guide on their own, but if that’s not possible, we will be happy to assign you one.
Wondering if Saturday's Orange course will be different than Sunday's? Yes, absolutely! Saturday's Jump to Orange participants can register for Sunday's Orange course and try out their newfound skills solo (or with a friend) on a typical Orange course.
The Jump to Orange event will use Shelter 3 for check-in and map distribution, and the nearby parking location is best viewed on this locator graphic. Standard fees are in effect for those doing the Jump to Orange course; there is no charge for coaches. Note that there will be no punching of any kind (e-punch or pin-punch), since timing isn't important for this type of training.
Volunteer SignUps: If you'd like to help at this event, click here or contact the Event Director. Advanced orienteers willing to coach: Please be sure to sign up – thank you for being a coach!
- Porta-a-Johns will be located near Shelter 3.
- QOC will continue to use pre-registration as the ONLY method of signing up for our events. There will be NO day-of, on-site registration. Refunds are paid only in the case of event cancellation. We are unable to handle cash transactions at the event.
- There is no water to drink on the course. Participants are responsible for their own hydration. Please come prepared!
- QOC provides no snacks.
- As always, please be off the course no later than 3 pm and remember to download at our e-punch station even if you did not finish.
- This event will have 15-minute check-in windows from 9:45 until 12:00.
- Since this is a training event, with trainers and trainees working closely together in a group setting, pets are not allowed.
- Nearby Eats & Sweets! The nearby Brickmaker's Cafe is located in Occoquan Park and is open from 11 am to 8 pm, so orienteers have the opportunity to enjoy food and drinks either indoors or on their outdoor terrace overlooking the Occoquan River (mention 'QOC' to get a 10% discount!)
Location | Occoquan Regional Park, Shelter 3, Lorton, VA (Training) | ||||||||||
Registration | Registration for this event opens at 6pm on Monday Sept. 25 via this link. Registration will close at 12 noon on Friday Sept 29 (the day before the event). Pre-registration is mandatory.
Who's registered? Check by clicking here. Sorting by column is possible too - click on the column name. | ||||||||||
Start Times | Start times will be by windows (to be defined for this event before registration opens). | ||||||||||
Schedule | Saturday, September 30
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Volunteers |
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Location Details |
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Course Details | Training
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Course Notes | Training All courses start and finish at or near the event registration at the picnic shelter. The standard orange course for this training event has 14 controls, then follows the blazed trail to the finish. For a slightly longer (by 0.3km) and challenging option, after control 14, you can continue to bonus controls 15 and 16 and then to the finish. The training course starts easy by taking you down the blue-blazed trail. Please note that a short 200 meter section of the blue-blazed trail that follows the stream was recently rerouted slightly higher up on the slope away from the stream (to avoid being constantly flooded by the stream). The trail is slightly different than what is mapped, but just follow the trail to go from control 1 to 2. After finding control 2, you will begin to navigate more off-trail and start to practice different orienteering techniques.
From control 14, you can take the trail to the finish, or you have the option to continue to bonus controls 15 and 16 and then to the finish. But please note the following: | ||||||||||
Entry Fees | Individual Entries
Note: juniors = under 21
Group Entries Participants are welcome to orienteer together as a group (up to the maximum for that event; usually 4). Each member of a group is charged their individual rate as shown above, up to a group total of $30 (maximum), and each receives a map. A group receives one epunch. Individuals or groups desiring to compete on a second course after completing their first can do so for a reduced fee of $2/map subject to approval at the event by the Event Director. Important Notes