Intro to Orienteering

August 13
Quantico Orienteering Club (QOC) invites you to join us for a free INTRODUCTION TO ORIENTEERING event at Lake Fairfax Park on Sunday, August 13th. Come spend a day in the woods with us to experience this fun, family-friendly sport.
Pre-registration is required and will open Monday, July 31 at 6pm and will close Saturday, August 12th at noon. There will be no day-of registration.
We encourage you to check out our For Beginners webpage to help you prepare for your adventure. If you have questions, please use the Contact Form.
We will meet at Shelter G, at the north end of the park near the Water Park. Check-in will open at 9:45 AM, with free instruction sessions every 30 minutes from 10:00 until 11:30. Register for the time that works best for you and plan to be there at least 15 minutes early to get checked in. You will learn the basics of orienteering from experienced instructors and then apply your newly acquired skills on one of two beginner-level orienteering courses. Participants can orienteer solo or in small groups of up to four people.
Everyone will have until 1:30 PM to complete their courses. Remember to download at our e-punch station even if you did not finish the course. The only equipment you’ll need to bring is active clothing/sportswear, a comfortable pair of athletic shoes, and a watch. Free loaner compasses will be available, but please bring your own if you have one. You will want to bring water, as there won’t be any out on the courses or at the check-in area.
Event notes as well as course setter comments are now posted below ('Course Notes' section).
Post Event Social: meet after the event if you wish at Not Your Avg Joe’s, located in Reston VA here, just a 5 minute drive west of Lake Fairfax. Bring your map and get a free cookie with any purchase, courtesy of their manager Matt!
Group Leaders: If you are bringing a group of 10 or more, please contact the Event Director in advance so we can better accommodate your needs.
- There is no water on the course. Please come prepared!
- Pets are allowed but must be on-leash at all times.
Both the White and Yellow courses are for beginners. They will follow linear features such as roads, trails, edges of fields, or streams. Checkpoints for the White course will be set on the linear feature. The longer Yellow course checkpoints will be placed either on or a short distance from linear features. Going off trail is allowed on both courses, but legs on the Yellow course are set to encourage it.
Location | Lake Fairfax Park, Canopy G, Reston, VA (Free Beginner Event) | ||||||||||||
Registration | Registration for this event opens at 6pm on Monday July 31 via this link. Advance registration is required. Registration will close at Noon on Saturday Aug 12 (the day before the event). Who's registered? Check by clicking here. Sorting by column is possible too - just click on the column name. | ||||||||||||
Start Times | Check-in will open at 9:45 AM, with free instruction sessions every 30 minutes from 10:00 until 11:30. During the online pre-registration process, you will choose one of these 30 minute windows. | ||||||||||||
Schedule | Sunday, August 13
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Volunteers |
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Location Details |
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Course Details | Free Beginner Event
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Course Notes | Free Beginner Event
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Entry Fees | This event is free. Important Notes