Kings Landing

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January 3

Kings Landing

Pre-registration is required and will open Monday December 28 at noon (yes, our permit was approved - yeah!). There will be no day-of registration.

King's Landing is a small park that QOC hasn’t used since 2015. Welcome back!

Come out and enjoy courses designed by Mike and Pam Dvorsky on the updated Kings Landing map – also updated by them this fall – in this combined classic and score orienteering event at Kings Landing Park, Huntingtown Maryland. (course stats and course setter comments below)

QOC’s COVID risk reduction protocols, as also enumerated here, are in effect. Please read these guidelines carefully, particularly keeping in mind the need for participants to bring their own water for all their hydration needs before, during, and after their runs/walks.

When you arrive, watch for guidance to the parking area from our volunteers, since the road to parking is narrow. Do not arrive before 9am since the gates will be locked before then.

Map pick up and check in will be in Pavilion # 2, and e-punch registration / download will be at the Equestrian Pavilion. All starts and finishes are nearby, but appropriately distanced to avoid clusters of people). Please make an effort to click and move on from these in consideration for others.

The start location for beginner and intermediate courses will be south of the Equestrian Pavilion. Reminder – register with the e-punch team before starting your courses!

The start location for advanced and score-O courses will be east of the Equestrian Pavilion.

Any youth or large groups attending, although you will be pre-registering online, please contact the Event Director of your plans and numbers for his awareness.

Other points:

  • PROPERLY WORN MASKS ARE REQUIRED at all times when near registration, epunch areas or other concentrations of participants or others.
  • Maintain social distancing at all times especially in the designated lines for check-in, e-punch registration, start and e-punch download.
  • Water will not be provided in accordance with QOC COVID-19 risk reduction policies. Please plan for your own hydration needs before, during, and after your run/walk.
  • We encourage everyone to download and use any or even all of the DC, Maryland and Virginia COVID exposure notification apps.
  • Pets are permitted in the park but must be on leash at all times.
  • Port-a-johns will be on site.
  • The size of start teams (groups of individuals orienteering together with one e-punch) on a course must be no more than four (4) individuals (juniors and adults combined).
  • There is no planned, on-site beginner instruction, but beginners are encouraged to watch relevant videos such as this one created by QOC's instructional guru David Onkst


King's Landing, Main parking area, Huntingtown, MD (Classic/ScoreO)

RegistrationAdvance pre-registration (with payment) is required via this link. For this event, registration will open at noon on Monday, Dec. 28, and will close no later than 8pm on Saturday Jan. 2 (the night before the event).
Who's registered? Check by clicking here. Sorting by column is possible too - just click on the column name.
Start TimesParticipants will register in advance for a specified 15 or 45 minute check-in window (including map pick-up). There will be eight 15-minute windows (each with 15 starts) from 9:45-11:45am, and then two 45-minute windows (each with 45 starts) from 11:45-12:30pm and 12:30-1:15pm.
ScheduleSunday, January 3
10:00 am - 3:00 pmClassic/ScoreO:
Event Director:Craig Shelden
Course Designer:Pam Dvorsky
Course Designer:Mike Dvorsky
Location Details

King's Landing
Main parking area
Huntingtown, MD
Google Map

From I-495 (Capital Beltway) exit 11, head S on MD-4 towards Upper Marlboro. In about 22 miles, turn right onto MD-262/Lower Marlboro Rd, go 0.9 miles, then turn left onto Huntingtown Rd. In 2.7 miles turn right onto Kings Landing Rd and follow it ~2 miles into Kings Landing Park. About 100 Ft before the road ends, turn left onto the gravel road to the Equestrian Ring.
Google Maps Link
Apple/iPhone Link
Course DetailsClassic/ScoreO
Course NameLength (km)Climb (m)No. Controls
White 2.46010
Yellow 3.310511
Orange 3.820513
Beige 3.322011
Brown 531016
Score 0030
Course NotesClassic/ScoreO

Map scales are 1:5000 for white and yellow courses, and 1:7,500 for all others; contour intervals are 5 meters (16.7 feet).
The map has been updated in 2020 and is accurate.
No drinking water is available on any course due to Covid-19 restrictions.
The park is not large enough to support a classic course longer than Brown, but it is well suited for a time-limited Score O course for the advanced orienteers.
Don’t let the easy runnability and small size of the park lull you into a false sense of security. This park has some of the steepest terrain in QOC’s inventory. It looks benign on the drive in, but what you don’t see will give you burning thighs. Unfortunately, given the fairly small size of the park, there are no long legs. Often the route choice presented will be a relatively shorter but steep route, or the long way around on less steep terrain and maybe a trail. Parallel errors have been known to happen in this park.
The terrain is classic ridge and valley, with broad, flat ridges, lots of deeply incised spurs and reentrants and large marshes.
The hills are steep and can be as many as four to five contours high. These steep slopes may be slippery if it is or has been raining or snowing.
If an area is mapped as marsh (solid blue lines), you should consider it uncrossable (because it is!).
An undefined marshy area (dashed blue lines) may be crossable and you should proceed at your own risk, but it may provide the fastest and shortest route to the next control. Your choice! Marshy areas and reentrants may be bone dry or boot-sucking mud depending on the amount of rain we get during the week prior to the meet. Please make sure to tighten your orienteering shoes or you might lose them in the mud if you opt for that route.

All Courses: The woods and fields are open and very runnable. The light green tends to be areas with saplings and closely spaced trees, and some small areas of thorns. The darker green tends to be areas of fallen trees or mountain laurel (a woody evergreen bush that is not hard to get through, though you may have to zig and zag around the stiff branches. The visibility is excellent throughout the park.
All advanced courses cross a small stream and narrow marshes. Many are narrow enough to jump across, especially if you have long legs or are a good jumper. Most are shallow and if you can’t jump them, you’ll get just your feet wet.

White and Yellow courses: You will enter a maze to get to one of the clues. The maze is printed on the map. Please do not take any shortcuts by cutting through vegetation! You must follow the maze to reach the control and to exit the maze.

Score O: There are 30 controls, all of equal point value with a full spectrum of technical difficulties and route choices. You may start the Score O anytime within your start time window. There will not be a mass start. The objective is to find as many controls as possible, in any order, within a two (2) hour time limit. You decide which controls you want to go to, and in what order. If you find all 30 controls in less than 2 hours, the fastest time wins.
Score O timing: We will allow Score O starts anytime during our start window, even as late as 1:30 PM. However, this means Score O participants starting after 1:00 PM will NOT have the full two hours to complete their course. Sorry, but we must have participants out of the woods by 3 PM regardless of when you started.
Score O Points and Penalties: Each Score O control is valued at 10 points, regardless of its difficulty or distance. 30 controls=300 points possible. Each fraction of a minute over two hours accumulates 10 penalty points. e.g., 1 second over 2 hours is -10 points, and 1:01 is -20 etc.

Enjoy, and may 2021 be a better year for everyone!

Entry FeesIndividual Entries

Note: juniors = under 21

Club Member, adult Club Member, junior Non-Member, adult Non-Member, junior
$10 $5 $20 $5

Group Entries

Participants are welcome to orienteer together as a group (up to the maximum for that event; usually 4). Each member of a group is charged their individual rate as shown above, up to a group total of $30 (maximum), and each receives a map. A group receives one epunch. Individuals or groups desiring to compete on a second course after completing their first can do so for a reduced fee of $2/map subject to approval at the event by the Event Director.

Important Notes
  • If you wish to become a QOC member you should join online in advance via this webpage (which also explains the member benefits). Membership is completely optional.
  • Most of our events use an 'epunch' timing chip for electronic timing. Individuals or groups without their own epunch will be loaned one for that event. Loaned epunches that are lost incur a $40 replacement fee. Epunches (also known as SI-cards or finger sticks) can be purchased from online vendors as described here.
  • Former QOC members who have let their membership lapse pay non-member fees.
  • Compasses are available at no charge, but if lost incur a $15 replacement fee.
  • Please provide collateral (such as car keys) when borrowing a compass or epunch.
  • Free beginner instruction is always available - just ask at the registration table. While COVID-19 policies are in effect, please check out instructional videos online such as those mentioned above in lieu of in-person/at-event instruction.