Seneca Creek

While February ended with a cold snap, the Smokey Glen Farm pavilion was warm with the camaraderie of the orienteering community! We were thrilled to host the 8th Annual QOC Bumble on a special day – LEAP year – and welcome friends from DVOA, SVO, WCOC and UNO (thanks for traveling down, folks!) We also congratulated a totally new contingent of award winners (see below plus event stats). Congrats to them all!

After walking/running and enjoying the mostly open woods of Seneca Creek Park and the interesting aspects of Smokey Glen Farm, we hung out together comparing route/window choices, eating pizza and snacks, catching up on the latest news, and snapping pics with the Bumble himself.

The day ran super smoothly and was a blast because of the many, many volunteers who made it happen. It starts with QOC MD VPs Mike Newman and Tom Nolan who plan and secure the park and venue permits. Then Greg Lennon, Membership Director & Website Coordinator, spends a lot of time editing and posting the event info and sending the reminder email; Kathleen Lennon, Outreach & Publicity Director, posts info on social media; and Craig Shelden sends his awesome volunteer recruitment tool. After weeks designing the courses, David sends everything to Valerie Meyer who prepares and prints the maps and control descriptions, loads the info into the Sport Ident software, and prints the member sign-in sheet. On the day-of, Amy Louden hauls and sets up the epunch equipment and is assisted further by Valerie, Sandy Fillebrown and Laura Linville who run epunch registration. Sam Listwak and Pat McNeilly show up early to put out water and lots of signage and streamers. Sam continues with Beginners Instruction along with Dave Levine. Set up crew includes Rick Blank, Jason Hataye, Lisa and Dyson Dreisigmeyer, and Elena Lumby (who also draws a fancy Bumble landscape!). Lisa, Suzanne Izzo, Daniel Heimgartner, Stephanie Coffin, and Kelly Singer set up and run registration flawlessly while Elena stands by to help folks with questions. Nadim Ahmed turns an injury into an opportunity and take lots of great pictures, and Patti Mace helps with the mass start and clothing drop. Patti continues volunteering and helps organize 39 pizzas for lunch! Jody Landers hosts our winter meeting and is joined by Cecelia Landers, Don Fish, Evgenia Matveeva, Kelly, Elena, and Daniel to clean and pack up our meet equipment and supplies. Jody and Cecelia and Roger Meyer also took time to make and bring hot water for our beverages! Joe Barrett, Erin Brandt, Francis Hogle, Tom Nolan, Tom Wells, and Howie Weinstein head back out for more time in the woods to pick up controls. Florence Tan and Ted Good join the wrap-up fun by helping Amy and the pick-up team get all of the flags and e-punch boxes cleaned up and ready for the next event. We were done and out by 5:15pm. BUT, wait, there are more….Valerie gets the results tallied and posted on the website and Attackpoint, Greg reformats this message to post online, and Kathleen posts pics! Thank you all soooooo much! We are deeply grateful for your help.

WOW – that’s a total of 36 people (including us) to make this event possible. Please keep that in mind the next time a meet director asks for your assistance. Or better yet, reach out to the director and volunteer! Every helping hand makes a HUGE difference, is appreciated more than you know, and is what makes QOC one of the best clubs in the country.

One final thank you to our friends at Smokey Glen FarmJim Sweet, Mark Perkins, and Matt Guerra – who so kindly helped ensure our second event at their historic venue was a great success including letting us book before they open for the spring, setting up/taking down all the chairs, tables, trash and recycling cans, and giving us ice! Please keep them in mind for future events for your family, friends or businesses. Working with them was a fabulous experience!

Here’s to our next fun gathering! --Heidi (Bumble coordinator) and David (Head Bumble) Onkst


First female across the line (regardless of handicap/course):
Tegan Mortimer, Beige, 48:12, QOC

First male across the line (regardless of handicap/course):
Max Janke, Brown, 43:55, QOC - Patriot NJROTC

Fastest Female on Red:
Diana Aleksieva, Red, 98:59, QOC, US National Junior Team

Fastest Male on Blue:
Joe Barrett, Blue, 83:57, QOC, US National Development Team

209 participants with 191 starts
106 people on the Bumble Mass Start

Bumble Bonus Winners:
- Florin Tencariu – 3 minutes (window 1, control #D)
- Jon Torrance – 2.5 minutes (window 2, control #J)
- Justin Green – 1.5 minutes (window 3, control #L)
- Rick Oliver – 2.5 minutes (window 4, control #S)
- JJ Cote – 3 minutes (window 5, control #W)
Sentence: Bumbles Lightly Bounce Through Forests

Bumble 2020 at Seneca Creek and Smokey Glen Farm


Course Length: 1.8 km

Course Climb: 35 m

Number of Controls: 10

1Dominik Honzak & Cedar Bremner DysonQOC14:02
2Eric Somers22:15
3Kelly SingerQOC24:45
4Seneca HonzakQOC25:26
5Cooper WhitestoneQOC29:42
6Joe Hage32:38
7Matt Strube40:04
8Turkmen Ozerol48:50
9Cheryl Wilson & Maxwell & RoseQOC62:32
10Christina Young & EdwardQOC68:25


Course Length: 2.1 km

Course Climb: 40 m

Number of Controls: 8

1Dominik HonzakQOC17:38
2Cedar BremnerQOC18:11
3Dyson DreisigmeyerQOC21:07
4Radka HerndonQOC21:19
5Nicole AleksievaQOC22:36
6Cecilia LandersQOC26:07
7Group 2 Troop 30626:20
8Ivy SomersPatuxent NJROTC28:41
9Group 3 Troop 30634:06
10David AlexanderQOC35:32
11Group 1 Troop 30636:23
12George McAleese & Katie & Elizabeth & Tim38:00
13Emily & Juniper RodmanQOC39:52
14Mason Turner & Mason Turner II40:47
15Charles LundQOC41:01
16Amy LoudenQOC44:57
17David FrankQOC46:02
18Teresa Abney & HilaryQOC46:46
19Group 4 Troop 30650:43
20Harry JonesQOC59:13
21Eva MatveevaQOC62:42
22Eric Somers & 2nd courseNC (27:42)


Course Length: 4.7 km

Course Climb: 120 m

Number of Controls: 7

1Luke Bosek34:23
2Ian InmanPatuxent NJROTC60:47
3Jeremy MorganPatuxent NJROTC61:16
4Joshua Pomeroy64:10
5Einar OlsenQOC67:49
6Blaire BinghamQOC70:00
7Stephen Nichols79:14
8Tolik Kuznetsov91:51
9Thomas TeifkeQOC94:11
10Jane AlonzoQOC99:24
11Lisa DreisigmeyerQOC106:15
12Jessica Lynd118:15
13Brendon Baird & Jefferson & Preston & Gavin & BrooklynQOC127:33
14Austin EglyPatuxent NJROTC127:47
15Victor VinePatuxent NJROTC128:08
16Patrick BrownQOC146:39
17Louis NovakQOC155:54
18Laura Goodman & D.D. Davis165:47
19Elena LumbyQOC167:50
20Alan BorstQOCDNF
20Stu Smithe WulsinQOCDNF (58:10)
20Liam and Adam SmithQOCDNF (79:35)
20Joe HageMP (141:17)


Course Length: 3.2 km

Course Climb: 40 m

Number of Controls: 7

1Tegan MortimerQOC48:12
2Elina DesiertoQOC55:07
3Sidney SachsQOC56:18
4Cammy IzdepskiPatuxent NJROTC57:25
5Reiko RagerQOC58:27
5Silas RagerQOC58:27
6John VincentPatuxent NJROTC58:51
7Lexi EglyPatuxent NJROTC61:32
8Cecilia LandersQOC67:02
9Tavia SullensQOC72:08
10Becca MorrisPatuxent NJROTC73:27
11Boyan OnyshkevychQOC75:14
12David Gedrey80:05
13Michael IngacioQOC81:25
14Karla HulettQOC100:26
15Suzanne IzzoQOC121:53


Course Length: 4.9 km

Course Climb: 75 m

Number of Controls: 12

1Max JankePatriot NJROTC43:55
2Adam RemsbergPatriot NJROTC44:36
3Ethan MillerPatriot NJROTC50:42
4Paul HessionQOC57:05
5John CumingsQOC60:09
6Christion HuntPatriot NJROTC60:12
7Katerina ZambranaQOC60:22
8JP LandersQOC61:22
9Kathleen LennonQOC64:52
9Laura LinvilleQOC64:52
10Rob WilkisonDVOA66:23
11Martins JonassQOC69:42
12David RagerQOC71:31
13Eugene VasilchenkoQOC72:05
14Bill WrightQOC72:55
15Don FishQOC74:34
16Mckenna FlintPatriot NJROTC75:58
17Pat McNeillyQOC79:00
18Anne JepsenQOC81:19
18Josue BringasPatriot NJROTC81:19
19Andrew KeirnQOC83:04
20Janet TrysonDVOA83:51
21Daniel LopezPatuxent NJROTC84:19
22Molly AndersonPatriot NJROTC92:17
23Shannon CostelloQOC92:35
24Joe PastelQOC92:39
25Petya AleksievaQOC95:54
26Mary SchmidtPatriot NJROTC95:55
27Stephanie CoffinQOC99:26
28Lydia Andrews & Matt SmithQOC100:28
29Kevin LearyQOC102:05
30Suzanne SheldenQOC102:23
31Steve MonesQOC102:33
32Craig SheldenQOC103:04
33Beatri BennettQOC108:15
34Ayden BeckerQOC110:30
35Chip BeckerQOC110:32
36Bryan SingerQOC114:55
37Bobbie VerdegaalQOC119:29
38Florence TanQOC126:37
39Aushu Sakrena & Molly128:21
40Sandy FillebrownDVOA130:15
41Valerie MeyerQOC130:17
42Monika KornhauserQOC130:34
43Elena Semenova137:00
44Ryan MukherjeeQOC137:52
45 Robinson GroupQOC144:38
46Mike NewmanQOC149:29
47David LevineQOC153:21
48Mark MaceQOCMP (71:54)
48Gail EdwardsMP (81:50)


Course Length: 7.7 km

Course Climb: 145 m

Number of Controls: 17

1Zach KuderPatriot NJROTC67:25
2Andras ReveszDVOA69:29
3Istvan NagyDVOA72:15
4Rick OliverQOC77:49
5Jan MerkaQOC80:31
6Glen TrysonDVOA80:44
7Corey CutshallPatriot NJROTC81:08
8Nicholas SchmidtPatriot NJROTC81:09
9Kim JepsenQOC83:40
10Peggy DickisonQOC85:07
11Stephen TarryUNO87:54
12Tom NolanQOC89:49
13Christopher SilvaQOC90:15
14Greg LennonQOC90:57
15Tom StratQOC93:36
16Tom WellsQOC95:48
17Justin GreenQOC97:05
18Ryan ClowerPatuxent NJROTC97:13
19Alex MerkaQOC97:15
20Daniel QuinnQOC102:20
21Jody LandersQOC105:12
22Erin BrandtQOC108:17
23Hideharu TanakaQOC110:10
24Gary SmithQOC112:24
25Julie KeimSVO118:10
26Dylan BishopPatuxent NJROTC119:20
27Vanessa LightfootPatuxent NJROTC119:40
28Dennis DohertyQOC121:42
29Dagmar MerkovaQOC127:26
30Paul CollinsonQOC132:48
31Davd McIntireQOC132:50
32Sarah SorensonQOC132:55
33Chris ZbrozekQOC138:56
34Joe PickerallPatuxent NJROTC143:15
35Thomas BlankQOC148:17
36Michelle SvobodaQOC150:34
37Roger ShanksQOC168:11
38Shanna SorrellsQOC170:14
38Howie WeinsteinQOC170:14
39Wendy WQOCDNF (110:10)
39Jennifer WernerQOCDNF (167:14)
39Mary SnieckusQOCDNF (169:54)
39Christopher PuinQOCDNF (230:00)
39Rob WhitestoneQOCMP (99:19)


Course Length: 10 km

Course Climb: 190 m

Number of Controls: 22

1Florin TencariuDVOA89:52
2Diana AleksievaQOC98:59
3Videlin AleksievQOC99:22
4Jared SilkQOC105:24
5Aaron LinvilleQOC106:07
6James WeberQOC113:46
7Erik GrunerQOC113:47
8Tom O'DonnellQOC113:52
9Matt WilsonQOC115:44
10Rob FieldQOC123:05
11Addie NolanQOC133:52
12Patrick FarleyQOC140:35
13Cash CostelloQOC153:23


Course Length: 12.9 km

Course Climb: 230 m

Number of Controls: 27

1Joseph BarrettQOC83:57
2Glenn PastelQOC100:10
3Jon TorranceQOC104:59
4Sam McAleeseQOC112:26
5Ted GoodQOC120:33
6Dave PrudenQOC129:15
7Clinton MorseWCOC129:41
8Michael WoodQOC131:09
9JJ CoteUNO153:26
10Matthew KnightQOC153:45
11Ben RobertsQOC160:48
12Dave ConnollyQOC171:51


Abbreviations: DNF = did not finish, MP = mispunch, NC = non-competitive (usually 2nd course or course setter/vetter), OT = overtime (more than 3 hours or returned after course closing time).