
November 22
Pre-registration is required and will open Monday Nov. 16 at noon (our permit has been approved!).
There will not be day-of registration.
Come out and enjoy a full set of courses designed by Mike and Pam Dvorsky on the updated Rosaryville map – also updated by them this fall – in this classic fall orienteering event at Rosaryville State Park, Maryland. (course stats and course setter comments below).
This event requires on-line pre-registration which will open on Monday, 16 November at 12 noon. QOC’s COVID risk reduction protocols, as also enumerated here, are in effect. Please read these guidelines carefully, particularly keeping in mind the need for participants to bring their own water for all their hydration needs before, during, and after their runs/walks.
When you arrive, the map pick-up will be at pavilion # 2 North of the parking lot. The start, finish and download are all nearby (but appropriately distanced to avoid clusters of people). Please make an effort to click and move on from these sites as consideration to others.
The start location for beginner courses will be separate from the advanced courses to minimize contact. Beginner courses will start just north of the traffic circle / southwest of the parking lot, and advanced courses will start northeast of the parking lot.
In addition to our regular classic courses, this event will feature a different navigational challenge: Amateur Radio Direction Finding. In ARDF, you use directional radio receivers to locate beacons in the woods. Learn more about the event here, and to register, click on this link, which will also become active at noon on Monday. [Friday evening note: cancellations have just opened up one 10am and one 12:30pm ARDF slot.]
Any youth or large groups attending, although you will be pre-registering online, please contact the Event Director of your plans and numbers for his situational awareness.
Other points:
- PROPERLY WORN MASKS ARE REQUIRED at all times when near registration and epunch areas and their volunteers.
- Water will not provided in accordance with QOC COVID-19 risk reduction policies. Please plan for your own hydration needs before, during, and after your run/walk.
- We encourage everyone to download and use both the Maryland and Virginia COVID exposure notification apps on their mobile phones.
- Pets are permitted in the park but must be on the leash at all times.
- Port-a-johns will be on site.
- The size of start teams (groups of individuals orienteering together with one e-punch) on a course must be no more than four (4) individuals (juniors and adults combined).
- There is no planned, on-site beginner instruction, but beginners are encouraged to watch relevant videos such as this one created by QOC's instructional guru David Onkst
Location | Rosaryville State Park, Pavilion parking area, Rosaryville, MD (Classic) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Registration | Advance pre-registration (with payment) is required via this link. For this event, registration will open at noon on Monday, Nov. 16, and will close no later than 6pm on Saturday Nov. 21 (the night before the event). Note: Barring cancellations, this event is SOLD OUT. Who's registered? Check by clicking here. Sorting by column is possible too - just click on the column name. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Start Times | Participants will register in advance for a specified 15 or 45 minute check-in window (including map pick-up), starting at 9:45am until the final window from 12:45-1:30pm. Each 15 minute window will be limited to 15 "starts" (solo individuals or groups) and each 45 min. window to 45 starts. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Schedule | Sunday, November 22
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Volunteers |
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Location Details |
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Course Details | Classic
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Course Notes | Classic Course Map Scales: 1:7500 for white, yellow and beige courses; 1:10000 for ARDF and all other courses. The Blue Course will be printed on both sides with a nominal map exchange at Control # 5.
ABOUT THE MAP: The map has had a major update in the fall of 2020 by Mike and Pam Dvorsky. This is likely the first substantive update since at least 2015. For those of you who are used to the old Rosaryville map, you may be in for a shock. On the new map, all trails, open areas, landforms, streams, contours, water features, man-made features are accurate. Vegetation has been updated and is generally accurate, but still requires more work. Rootstocks and movable man-made objects (mostly horse jumps that are stored on the edge of wood-lines) are not marked on the map. Permanent horse jumps are marked with a black “X”. It is a beautiful park with several distinct micro-climates and flora zones; ranging from an area we nicknamed “Jurassic Park,” to trail rich zones, to fern filled valleys, to impassable overgrown thickets, to open forests. This park offers as wide a range of terrain as we have seen in a single park. We hope our work will result in a better- quality orienteering experience for you at Rosaryville.
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Entry Fees | Individual Entries
Note: juniors = under 21
Group Entries Participants are welcome to orienteer together as a group (up to the maximum for that event; usually 4). Each member of a group is charged their individual rate as shown above, up to a group total of $30 (maximum), and each receives a map. A group receives one epunch. Individuals or groups desiring to compete on a second course after completing their first can do so for a reduced fee of $2/map subject to approval at the event by the Event Director. Important Notes