Fountainhead West

Course results can be seen below. Splits are available on Attackpoint or Winsplits. To enter your routes and see how others went, head to RouteGadget.

The weather was amazing and the turnout exceeded our expectations—though when we first did the detailed planning for the New Year Event, it was hard to get past the thought of a winter storm. Nevertheless, we had 205 runners show up (the largest number this season without a JROTC presence), including a very special QOC veteran, Lieutenant General (Retired) Donny Wurster, who ended his US Air Force career as the Commander, Air Force Special Operations Command. He had been a very active QOC member and this meet was his first in 20 years. He could not get over how much orienteering has improved over that time.

This meet made maximum use of the area in the big horseshoe bend of the Occoquan also known as W. Fountainhead. As many already know, this is an excellent orienteering location, but access to the site requires using buses. It also requires the great cooperation we received from NOVA Parks. The staff—particularly Nancy Chamberlain and Brad Robinson—were very supportive, providing us access to the Kegley House (at the Start/Finish), working with residents along Wolf Run Road and with the police, and providing us overnight storage for supplies. We want to thank them for making us welcome!

I’d like to thank Victor Lin for designing a great set of courses, while using a minimum number of controls! Besides placing the controls, he also ported water out to the water points, a pretty important consideration when the temperatures suddenly spike. Victor demonstrated his adaptability when discovering that the main bridge over Wolf Run was moved downstream—he simply edited the map. Control layout in several of the NOVA sites, can be dangerous between September and March, because of the bow hunters. Victor wore bright yellow!

The holidays added suspense to getting volunteers for the New Year Event, but we had excellent response with the relatively short notice. All pitched in to give you a great 2019 New Year Event. As Laura and Aaron Linville posted after the Prince William Meet, it is a good idea for Meet Directors to tag team on successive meets. Laura and Aaron volunteered to handle registration, probably the most difficult task and did an excellent job of keeping the flow going. I also want to thank both Scott Sharp and Kris Beecroft, who continue to pitch in, meet in and meet out. And finally, we should thank Matt Knight and Jim Chaplin for their time—and patience—providing Beginner Instruction. This meet, we had 6 attendees.

In spite of keeping the number of controls used low, they were nevertheless quite scattered across the terrain. Many thanks to those who volunteered to go out to retrieve the controls, after an exhausting run: Charles Carrick, Mark Thomsen, David Onkst, Patrick Farley and Bill Wright. Patrick and Victor also took a turn at being ‘Lyft Operators’, taking stragglers back to the main parking lot.

And very special thanks to Valerie Meyer and Amy Louden for ‘going out on point’ to the Kegley House to: run the e-punch process, act as eyes and ears at the remote site, and keep count of those on and off the course, to detect stragglers. Their excellent work contributes a very valuable service to our club! (ask one of the veterans how this was done Last Century!)

We also want to thank Amy and Valerie for coordinating the ‘evacuation’ of people who missed the last bus (despite the warning to be out of the woods at 3PM. As she left, Valerie managed to bring 5 people and 2 dogs back to the main parking area.

Finally, this meet would not have been successful without the excellent coaching—and patience—that Charles Carrick provided, as well as taking care of a myriad of details that made this a great meet. Perhaps it is not the Super Bowl nor the Olympics, but a lot of volunteer effort goes into staging a meet like this. But if you had a great experience, you made it all worthwhile!

-John Organek, Meet Director


Course Length: 2 km

Course Climb: 65 m

Number of Controls: 8

1Kenneth McCoy46:54
2Debbie Fugate52:36
3Barbara Weathers68:13
4Stian and Julian IlievQOC70:16
5Luke OliverQOC77:33
6Rebecca Boone81:01
7 Team Dinosaur & Heather & ThomasQOC82:31
8Andrew PfeifferQOC100:06


Course Length: 2.1 km

Course Climb: 80 m

Number of Controls: 9

1Josue BringesPatriots NJROTC21:29
2Michael SanduskyFUMA23:47
3Emma Hafner26:41
4Christion HuntPatriots NJROTC27:10
5Evgeni PeevQOC28:02
6Broyana PeevaQOC31:33
7Solomon MendozaFUMA31:39
8Laura LinvilleQOC35:01
9Julian ReinshagenFUMA35:35
10Jacob Burton & Jane40:31
11Katerina ZambranaQOC46:42
12Donna Ferguson Grp of 4QOC49:30
13 DamnStrubeMeyer50:08
14Kenneth Ellis & YukikoQOC51:29
15John & Matthew Pekarik52:26
16Tracy Nayar & Shan & Ethan & Miles54:27
17Stephen Hamilton55:18
18Brooke OliverQOC55:34
19Erik GrunerQOC56:28
20Michael BianchettaQOC58:43
21Karla HulettQOC59:24
22Daniel Pedersen & KarenQOC61:00
23Howell DesiertoQOC62:11
24Alexander Novikov62:29
25Melissa Bethancort Family 465:11
26Beatri BennettQOC69:03
27Carolyn Phillips & Andrew70:51
28Francis Watermolen & BrandonPatuxent NJROTC73:42
29Jim SargentQOC75:18
30Travis Coberly & RoscoeQOC76:52
31Michael Hunter & Susanna79:10
32Peterson TenleyQOC82:55
33James ChaplinQOC86:07
34Virginia WhitestoneQOC91:49
35Mari LundbladQOCDNF
35Kristina LundbladQOCDNF
35Kevin HuntDNF


Course Length: 4.5 km

Course Climb: 115 m

Number of Controls: 11

1Maxwell JankePatriots NJROTC48:25
2Chris ZbrozekQOC66:23
3Mary SchmidtPatriots NJROTC66:54
4Justin JacksonPatuxent NJROTC72:28
5Dylan BishopPatuxent NJROTC76:54
6Adam RemsbergPatriots NJROTC80:22
7Bobbie VerdegaalQOC85:45
8Andy BennettQOC88:51
9Mike CostasPatuxent NJROTC90:31
10Joe PickerallPatuxent NJROTC97:54
11Nicholas TurzaQOC101:15
12Reiko RagerQOC102:15
13Steve Kabler106:50
14Steve Van WinkleQOC107:19
15Thomas Teifke113:48
16Leon & Kim TorbertQOC124:36
17Georgina WalmsleyQOC125:14
18Emilia LundbladQOC128:08
19Tyler & Jeffrey Weathers132:52
20Judith Critzer138:44
21Michael DePrenger & Kenny & Jared149:20
22Ginny QuamQOC155:08
23Tim McCormickQOC156:37
24Paul Sherlock & JackQOC159:34
25John Ashley & Annabelle & GriffinQOC162:04
26Camille IzdepskiPatuxent NJROTC201:23
27Gabby NathanPatuxent NJROTC201:33
28Daniel LopezPatuxent NJROTC216:07
29Ayden BeckerQOCDNF
29Solomon MendozaFUMADNF
29 Alex & StephDNF
29Julian ReinshagenFUMADNF
29 Miguel & VictimsDNF
29Daniel PedersenQOCDNF
29Chip BeckerQOCDNF
29Michael SanduskyFUMADNF
29Tingjun olivia C MAQOCDNF
29Richard PaladinoQOCDNF (80:12)
29Tom WalshQOCDNF (86:57)
29Arthur CantrellQOCDNF (87:32)
29David CollinsDNF (180:44)


Course Length: 4.5 km

Course Climb: 150 m

Number of Controls: 11

1Peggy DickisonOK57:01
2Dennis DohertyQOC58:37
3John BakerQOC70:23
4Michael PattersonQOC72:00
5Greg LennonQOC72:30
6Paul HessionQOC75:32
7Bob FawcetttQOC78:36
8Kathleen LennonQOC80:48
9Oleg VolonsevichQOC86:00
10Katia VolnosevichQOC86:06
11Elena Semenova86:26
12Donny Wurster86:49
13Gary SmithQOC88:53
14Edward EnsonQOC92:23
15Eugene VasilchenkoQOC101:34
16Gary QuamQOC102:54
17Rob BriberQOC104:29
18David RagerQOC108:19
19Warren PrestonQOC111:01
20Tavia SullensQOC112:27
21Cecilia LandersQOC119:35
22Steve MonesQOC122:39
23Nyall MeredithQOC130:44
24Vanessa LightfootPatuxent NJROTC145:15
25Jeremy Lucier & DerekQOC149:20
26Sean Ford150:15
27Beth Ann StasiowskiQOC159:18
28Florence TanQOC164:56
29Don AmesQOC182:33
30Lais CunhaDNF
30Caleb WithersPatuxent NJROTCDNF
30Man NguyenQOCDNF
30Amy LoudenQOCDNF
30Mark ThomsenQOCDNF
30Allison BrownQOCMP (69:39)
30Eugene TcipnjatovQOCMP (86:14)
30Stephen DohertyQOCMP (94:50)
30Dorina Watermolen & LauraQOCMP (141:28)


Course Length: 6.2 km

Course Climb: 165 m

Number of Controls: 12

1Turner Leigh54:07
2Mark WalmsleyCVOC60:27
3Gavin WeiseQOC64:47
4Zack KuderPatriots NJROTC65:32
5Jared SilkQOC67:08
6Aaron LinvilleQOC70:47
7Jan MerkaQOC74:44
8Therese HohlDVOA74:46
9Martins Jonass77:18
10Charles CarrickQOC78:37
11Rob WhitestoneQOC78:57
12Tom WellsQOC82:21
13John MillerQOC85:20
14Hideharu TanakaQOC85:30
15Sam ListwakQOC85:47
16Tom StratQOC86:30
17Nicholas SchmidtPatriots NJROTC88:21
18Bill WrightQOC89:41
19Jody LandersQOC90:57
20Corey CutshallPatriots NJROTC91:35
21Kris BeecroftQOC92:20
22Francis HogleQOC94:28
23Phillip WadsworthQOC95:37
24Tim PiergalskiQOC96:43
25Brennan StoneFUMA97:10
26Doris LeeQOC99:01
27Roman EnsonQOC106:22
28Chris MerloFUMA111:55
29Scott SharpQOC113:12
30Dinara Usmanova114:41
31Matt HolmanQOC116:12
32Sarah Sorenson & matthew manopoliQOC117:39
33Don FishQOC118:30
34Frantisek BrabecQOC119:38
35Paul Collinson & ZephrenQOC124:58
36Jeff Seaton128:09
37River Danvers & JoshPatuxent NJROTC129:33
38William Schork130:15
39Craig SheldenQOC138:01
40David SimpsonQOC144:11
41Greg Prouty145:38
42Suzanne SheldenQOC150:10
43John VincentPatuxent NJROTCDNF
43Will LeighDNF
43David PatrickQOCDNF (168:50)


Course Length: 7.7 km

Course Climb: 225 m

Number of Controls: 15

1Iliana IlievaQOC71:58
2Rick OliverQOC76:14
3Nadim AhmedQOC81:36
4Kim JepsenQOC83:29
5Jack Anderson92:24
6Alexis MerkaQOC108:12
7Patrick FarleyQOC114:18
8Michael ChaneyQOC116:34
9David MiddletonFUMA122:05
10Zachary DesmondQOC167:39
11Travis SiehndelQOC167:44
12Tom NolanQOCDNF
12Scott Bey & AdrienneDNF
12Eugueni BelyiQOCDNF (174:30)
12Dagmar MerkovaQOCMP (124:18)


Course Length: 9.1 km

Course Climb: 240 m

Number of Controls: 20

1Lacho IlievQOC63:36
2Boris GranovskiyQOC71:45
3Joesph BarrettQOC72:43
4Ken Walker JrCSU75:31
5Peter Gehriger77:02
6Jon TorranceQOC77:49
7Ted GoodQOC82:15
8Videlin AleksievQOC92:28
9Jesse Spangler97:01
10Yuriy Bulka98:51
11Michael StasiowskiQOC105:34
12Matthew StoutQOC108:48
13David OnkstQOC128:29
14William ChesarekQOC131:16
15Matthew KnightQOC138:06
16Mary FosterQOC170:14
17Blaire BinghamQOCDNF
17Mark MontagueDNF (156:01)
17Andrey StarikovskiyMP
17Ben RobertsQOCMP (132:36)

Abbreviations: DNF = did not finish, MP = mispunch, NC = non-competitive (usually 2nd course or course setter/vetter), OT = overtime (more than 3 hours or returned after course closing time).