Jug Bay

June 3
The Chase, known far and wide as the longest continually running orienteering race in the USA, returns once again along with our Annual Meeting & Potluck Picnic, as QOC's 2017-2018 Sept - June season comes to a close! Newcomers are welcome, and there will be courses suited for all levels from beginner to advanced. Mass start is at High Noon. Reminder: dogs are not allowed at Jug Bay.
This event is free to all members who pre-register, and non-members who pre-register get discount member rates. Pre-registration is now open - click here to register. [Want to become a member? Info here.] Although somewhat discouraged just to save volunteer effort at this fine event, you can also register at the event between 10:30 - 11:30am, albeit at regular event prices.
The Annual Meeting of the Quanticio Orienteering Club General Membership will take place on Sunday, June 3, 2018 promptly at 11:25 AM in conjuction with the Jug Bay Event in the area of the Caretakers House, Bristol Maryland. The Election of Officers for 2018-2019 Season will take place at the meeting. The Slate of Officers as recommended by the Nominating Committee, which was chaired by Heidi Onkst, is listed below. The Annual Picnic and Awards Ceremony will take place immediately following the running of the coures. Thanks to Mike Newman, who is serving as the Meet Director and Craig Shelden, who is the course designer and setter. Special thanks and appreciation to Dave Linthicum and Peggy Brosnan for graciously arranging for QOC's use of the Jug Bay area.
QOC Officer Nominations for 2018-2019 Season
President: Jody Landers
VP of Competition/MD: Tom Nolan
VP of Competition/Permits - MD: Mike Newman
VP of Competition/VA: Charles Carrick
VP of Competition/Permits - VA: Bill Wright
Treasurer: Vic Culp
Secretary: Karla Hulett
(ExOfficio): Jon Torrance
QOC will provide beverages, desserts and paper goods. Attendees should bring picnic foods to share at this potluck. A charcoal grill is available and BBQing is encouraged. We recommend keeping food in a cooler until after you finish your run.
Race Details
This year's event will have White through Blue courses, with considerable overlap in the advanced courses.
This event will be a traditional Beverage Chase event. Courses are made up of loops. Participants will drink their beverages (water/soda/beer) before and after each loop.
- White: One beginner loop – no map change
- Yellow: Two loops – one map change
- Orange: Two intermediate loops – one map change
- Brown, Green, and Red: Two advanced loops – one map change
- Blue: Three advanced loops – two map changes
- Everyone on a given course does their loops in the same order.
- Maps will be handed out at the starting line; don't look at the squiggly brown lines until the start is announced.
- You will need to have a cup filled with your "race beverage" of choice in hand; we'll have water, soda, and beer (adults only).
- The mass start will take place at noon.
- When the race starts, empty your cup (into you), throw it with style to the ground, and look at your map to figure out where to go. Or, just follow someone and hope for the best. Every orienteer does that now and then, so why not here and now?
- In contrast to most orienteering races, following someone is OK in this race… if you dare.
- After finding your controls in the correct order, you'll wind up back at the starting area.
- Punch the Quaffing Zone Entry control (#103) as you enter the beverage area
- After that, quaff another cup of your beverage of choice
- And punch the Quaffing Zone exit control (# 104) before heading out for your next loop.
- The finish of each loop is the start location of the next loop, but all loops start and finish in about the same place.
There will be only one mass start at noon for all courses.
Beverage of Choice will be consumed at the start, finish and in between each loop. Beverages are water, soda, and beer (for adults of legal age only…). There is a map exchange between loops (or the maps may be back to back in the same map case).
Additional course details can be found below in the course setter's comments.
Following is allowed at this event but be wary of following anyone who might get lost!
Location | Jug Bay, Caretaker's House Area, Bristol, MD (Mass Start & Party!) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Registration | Pre-registration is now open - click here - and is *strongly encouraged* to guarantee you a map (and to speed up checking in)! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Start Times | To be announced ... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Schedule | Sunday, June 3
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Volunteers |
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Location Details |
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Course Details | Mass Start & Party!
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Course Notes | Mass Start & Party! Map scale will be either 1:7,500 or 1:5,000 with 5m contours, and should be clearly marked on each map. The terrain is similar to the Patuxent River Park (across Jug Bay to the west) with no point higher than 100 feet above sea level. There are lots of flat bland areas with scattered marshes. Map vegetation was last updated in 2011. The vegetation on the map is more a visual boundary then an actual speed indicator. The lighter green can be run through easily. The darker green tends to be mountain laurel or in some cases close together saplings and will slow you down some. There are some minor areas of unmapped deadfall. There are unmapped white PVC pipes (1 meter tall) in the woods. There are sections of broken ground on the map. The broken ground tends to be small bumps less than foot high and you will run right through them. Respect the out of bounds areas. All fields should be considered rough open even if shown as open on the map. The big field around the farm had been cut when the control locations were checked, but may have grown by game day. During site visits, the woods were open and runnable, although visibility is what you'd expect in a late spring mid-Atlantic orienteering event. The control points were selected before the recent rainfall, and Pindell Branch could be crossed and control points near marshes could be reached with dry feet. Depending on weather, expect this to change. By Game Day the marshes may be dry. There is no distinct plant growth in the marshes. If it's been dry, you can tell the marshes by the compressed leaves and the leaves have a more rotted look to them. Orange and advanced courses cross Pindell Branch at least once, advanced courses more. A change of shoes will almost certainly be appropriate. The southwest portion of Pindell Bluff Trail is closed for a nesting bird study and is shown as off limits on the map. No courses should need to venture onto that loop of the trail. This study is one visible reason for the prohibition of pets at the park. In the southwestern portion of the map, between Pindell Branch and Emery Landing Road, two man made objects are shown next to each other – one a shooting stand, the other the remains of a shooting stand. The shooting stand has been removed, although signs of its presence remain in the tree it was attached to, and the older wooden parts of an older shooting stand remain and are used as the control location. The general flow from the mass start and Quaffing Zone will be to the North, and the return to the Quaffing Zone will be from the east. The southern Barn is used as the Go Control for the return to the picnic area and Quaffing Zone. Don’t forget to use sunscreen even if it is overcast. Please do not bring a dog since dogs are not allowed at Jug Bay. Use Bug Spray. The marshes may/may not be dry but there are still plenty of mosquitoes. Keep moving and you will be fine. There are ticks so check yourself after finishing. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Entry Fees | Individual Entries
Note: juniors = under 21
Team or Group Entries Participants are welcome to compete together as a single team entry. Teams containing one or more nonmembers are charged the nonmember individual rate. Teams containing one or more adults are charged the adult individual rate. For teams to receive member or junior rates, all members of the team must be members or juniors, respectively. Each extra team map beyond the first is an additional $2. Individuals or teams desiring to compete on a second course can do so for a reduced fee of $2/map. Important Notes