
March 6
Update Sunday Morning: Yes, the on-foot/classic event will be held: The Rain-O is on! It's very wet, and getting wetter, so if you're going to attend, NOTE THE FOLLOWING:
- You must be out of the woods by 3pm, and MAKE SURE to check in at the download station to let us know you are out of the woods, whether you find all controls or not
- The only "restroom" is the porta-potty near the small parking area at the park entrance (before the gate); we have just been told by park staff that the restrooms near our pavilion can not be unlocked at this time.
- Take a whistle, and bring towels and a change of dry clothes, shoes, etc
- If you take a cell phone, bag it or double bag it to keep it waterproof
- The Yellow course is apparently a bit harder than usual, so this is not a good event to advance from white to yellow
- Be very careful crossing creeks
- Runners will cross roads within the park, and visibility is especially low during rain outbursts, so drive slowly within the park and when on foot, assume drivers will not see you
- The map is not waterproof! Carefully tape it closed. Or bring a zip-loc style (large enough) plastic baggie from home to put the map in; Red and Blue maps are on 12x18 inch paper, all other courses are on 8.5x11 inch paper. Scale for white, ultrawhite and yellow maps is 1:7500, all others are 1:10000.
- A safety bearing in this park for most beginner courses is North until you get to a large field; the registration/parking area is just East of where the large power line ride crosses the largest field.
- Thunderstorms are possible this afternoon. If caught outside, seek shelter if possible; in the woods, look for a low clump of trees. If you are outside and cannot reach a safe building, avoid high ground, bodies of water, tall, isolated trees and metal objects such as fences or bleachers. Picnic shelters, dugouts and sheds are NOT safe.
- If you're out on your course and you see someone in need of help, help them!
- And don't forget to bring a QOC umbrella if you have one and to have a good time - you'll probably get soaked, but skin is waterproof and, hey, isn't this meant to be an adventure?
UPDATE 11:30pm Friday March 4 Mountain bike event is cancelled due to rain; foot courses will proceed as planned, including the new UltraWhite course offering. We will reschedule the MTB-O event.
It's official - weather permitting, we'll be offering two mountain bike orienteering (MTB-O) courses at this event in addition to the regular slate of orienteering courses AND a new course ("UltraWhite"). Read on for all details.
Classic Foot-O Courses: The normal full set of 7 courses {two beginner (White, 2.4k, and Yellow, 3.1k), one intermediate (5.1k), and 4 advanced courses (Brown 4.4k, Green 5.6k, Red 9.0k, and Blue 10k)} will be offered, along with a special long beginner course dubbed the UltraWhite (5.0k). The UltraWhite is specifically designed to introduce runners like those at last weekend's Patuxent River Trail 10K to an orienteering course that will be at a beginner skill level but long enough to be physically challenging. Course setter Dan Quinn reports that the map is in great shape, as are the woods. There are two out of bounds areas that runners need to stay out of, and they will be clearly marked on the map. Start anytime between 11am - 1pm, and be out of the woods by 3pm. Pre-registration is available for these courses, which saves everyone time, including (optional) online payment for those wishing to spend the absolute minimum amount of time in lines at the event. This event will take place rain or shine. Click here for the pop-up Classic Courses Pre-Registration form.
For both events, There will be free beginner instruction and e-punching will be in use. Pre-registration will close at 2pm on Saturday March 5. Driving directions and a google map link are below, and if you have any questions, feel free to use our Contact Form.
Location | Rosaryville State Park, Pavilion parking area, Rosaryville, MD (Classic Courses) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Registration | Advance registration is available until 2pm Saturday for the foot/classic courses but not required. You'll save yourself (and us) time by pre-registering, and guarantee yourself a map, but day-of registration will also be available. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Start Times | Start your course anytime between 11am - 1pm (and be done by 3pm). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Schedule | Sunday, March 6
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Volunteers |
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Location Details |
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Course Details | Classic Courses
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Entry Fees | Individual Entries
Note: juniors = under 21
Team or Group Entries Participants are welcome to compete together as a single team entry. Teams containing one or more nonmembers are charged the nonmember individual rate. Teams containing one or more adults are charged the adult individual rate. For teams to receive member or junior rates, all members of the team must be members or juniors, respectively. Each extra team map beyond the first is an additional $2. Individuals or teams desiring to compete on a second course can do so for a reduced fee of $2/map. Important Notes