
RouteGadget and splits on both WinSplits and Attackpoint are all now online for this event.

Get weather, great courses (thanks Victor), what a perfect day! Over 250 starts (including second courses) means we had a lot of people attending this event! We had 9 youth groups with over 100 runners under the age of 18. Many thanks to groups BSA Troop 1365, BSA Troop 1833, GSA Troop 2624, GSA Troop 4207, Patuxent HS NJROTC, Herndon HS JROTC, Loudoun County HS NJROTC, Huntingtown HS JROTC & Brooke Point HS NJROTC for taking part in this event. Ten new individual and three family memberships joined at the event..

But no event happens without the help of many volunteers. First thanks goes to Victor Lin for a great course setting job. I would like to thank Jeremy & Virginia DeBons for jumping in to help me get registration started, and the Lennons who fill in whenever asked. Also thanks go to Jon Torrance, Heidi Onkst and Valerie Meyer for helping with the epunch. We also had help from parents of my scout troop Philmont Crew with thanks to Greg Orndorff, Bob Carlston, Jeanine Dehn and Bob Fleming helping with registration, epunch and anything asked of them. I would like to thank Grant H. (Troop 1833), Daniel Y. (Troop 1833), Sam Listwak, Scott Pleban and Bill Wright for their help in the control pickup. Also a thanks goes to the Brook Point High School NJROTC team member and the scouts from Troop 1833 who helped with both setup and clean up after the meet.

- James Chaplin, Event Director


Course Length: 2.3 km

Course Climb: 20 m

Number of Controls: 8

1Rick Blevins45:18
2Eric Williams & Dan WilliamsQOC47:52
3Marty Coryski & Ben CoryskiQOC57:05
4M. Huffaker58:15
5Susan Holland59:48
6Samuel FurlowQOC67:37
7Stephen Nicoud & Will NicoudBS Troop 5178:10
8John Forrester & Lily Forrester81:39
9Lisa Raisbeck & Kenny92:40
10 GSA Troop 2624MP (93:31)
10Nathan Carlston & Levi OrndorffBSA Troop 1833NC (54:43)
10Candy Hagerman & Callie & 2nd courseQOCNC (57:02)


Course Length: 3 km

Course Climb: 30 m

Number of Controls: 9

1Anna BrailiteSportIdent25:00
2Corbin JonesPatuxent HS NJROTC29:57
3Eric Nelson30:36
4Mike Spiller34:30
5Baxter HamiltonQOC35:39
6Dillon FitzgeraldHuntingtown HS JROTC48:08
7Zachary MorenHuntingtown HS JROTC50:13
8Eric Lyness & IndyQOC52:54
9Shane Hagerman & Candy & CallieQOC53:30
10Allison Elder55:16
11Tyler FarneseHuntingtown HS JROTC55:45
12Austin LenhardHuntingtown HS JROTC56:16
13Ahlana PaulyBrooke Point HS NJROTC58:28
14Stefan HernandezHuntingtown HS JROTC58:40
15David WebberBrooke Point HS NJROTC59:26
16Steve Kabler & Robin Boggess61:06
17John Whitty & Helen WhittyQOC63:05
18Einar Olsen63:27
19Wayne Chambers & Erica and MelQOC64:09
20Mitchell CrigerBSA Troop 136567:24
21Kaytlyn SextonPatuxent HS NJROTC71:42
22William Bryant & Dave HarleyQOC74:55
23Dante WalkerHerndon HS JROTC75:37
24Nick LutkinsLoudoun County HS NJROTC76:12
25David ClarkLoudoun County HS NJROTC76:14
26Klaus SextonHuntingtown HS JROTC76:25
27Collin FlynnLoudoun County HS NJROTC76:54
28Pat PrudenQOC78:25
29Dominic ThomeBrooke Point HS NJROTC79:38
30Lyric OakesPatuxent HS NJROTC80:05
31Joanne MuirQOC82:13
32Alex SuraHerndon HS JROTC87:17
33Stephen Magennis & Meredith & CaitlinQOC89:02
34Group A GSA Troop 420789:24
35Jenna OdehHerndon HS JROTC90:50
36Simona Sirbu & Mihai JrQOC90:56
37Christian WithersPatuxent HS NJROTC91:05
38Ahman AliHerndon HS JROTC91:24
39Adnan SolomonHerndon HS JROTC91:35
40Joseph DeyottBrooke Point HS NJROTC103:44
41Robert CammarotoHuntingtown HS JROTC104:50
42Nick CamorotoHuntingtown HS JROTC104:52
43AndrewBrooke Point HS NJROTC107:29
44Hugh Nelson & Chris Nelson108:16
45William Selph & Diane Selph110:30
46Matthew Hargrove111:25
47Nathan Carlston & Levi OrndorffBSA Troop 1833112:16
48Melissa WickLoudoun County HS NJROTC113:29
49Tommy Luizzo & Fred JasonBSA Troop 1365132:07
50Glenn Fueston & Zach John and Mark138:10
51Miles Criger & Edward RobledoBSA Troop 1365150:25
52Carlos Villanueva & SamDNF (106:37)
52Brian GarlingtonBrooke Point HS NJROTCDNF (112:51)
52Sumner StoneBrooke Point HS NJROTCDNF (118:00)
52Group B GSATroop 4207DNF (126:24)
52Rhoddy McKownMP (41:40)
52Chris Bender & David GigrichBSA Troop 1365MP (131:13)
52Abbey FurlowQOCMP (137:37)
52Amhad MontagneBSA Troop 1365MP (148:18)
52Aaron Gardiner & 2nd courseBrooke Point HS NJROTCNC (58:15)


Course Length: 6 km

Course Climb: 55 m

Number of Controls: 11

1Garrett UrsinyPatuxent HS NJROTC69:22
2Nate Liefer & Alyssa Liefer74:13
3Max LennonQOC75:59
4Nicole Fink & Ann BabuQOC76:55
5Jared Macary77:14
6Michael FrawleyPatuxent HS NJROTC80:31
7Brian LimerickPatuxent HS NJROTC82:29
8Rikke JepsenQOC84:28
9Hunter DayLoudoun County HS NJROTC84:49
10Lydia AndrewsQOC86:51
11Christiana LogansmithQOC92:33
12Jacob SatowPatuxent HS NJROTC92:51
13Jack LogansmithQOC95:09
14Elizabeth O'ConnellQOC95:57
15Justin BernsteinHuntingtown HS JROTC98:02
16Gage DavisHuntingtown HS JROTC98:31
17Daniel HendersonHuntingtown HS JROTC99:01
18Daniel BachmanQOC99:13
19Jayden Fritch-WoogiePatuxent HS NJROTC102:02
20Don ShockeyQOC103:04
21Joshua HuntPatuxent HS NJROTC103:22
22Chris GeisHerndon HS JROTC106:26
23John Godfrey & Ellen GodfreyQOC110:48
24James DroddyHuntingtown HS JROTC112:18
25Alex TuckerLoudoun County HS NJROTC114:46
26Micah Johnson119:43
27Jonathan TaylorLoudoun County HS NJROTC126:51
28Nicholas LeapleyPatuxent HS NJROTC131:50
29Albert Furlow & Angela FurlowQOC134:50
30Lori Polonsky & Andrea Stoddard135:43
31Dennis WaltersQOC135:53
32John VincentPatuxent HS NJROTC136:06
33Aaron GardinerBrooke Point HS NJROTC137:52
34Shawn RidenourPatuxent HS NJROTC140:49
35Jeffrey WeathersPatuxent HS NJROTC144:25
36Braden BlonshinePatuxent HS NJROTC146:26
37Daniel Sheffield150:00
38Sherry SterlingQOC167:13
39Calvin KlapperPatuxent HS NJROTC168:50
40Brian MartinezQOC174:24
41Monique Beaudoin Group & Chris & Sandra & Ro181:34
42Jeff Chaplin & Joe FlemingBSA Troop 1833212:22
43Dwight Hood212:24
44Lisa BeckQOCDNF
44Dillon Fitzgerald & 2nd courseHuntingtown HS JROTCDNF
44Paul & James SherlockQOCDNF
44Stefan Hernandez & 2nd courseHuntingtown HS JROTCDNF (57:16)
44Alexi Sura & 2nd courseHerndon HS JROTCDNF (59:33)
44Ayman Ali & 2nd courseHerndon HS JROTCDNF (61:15)
44Adnan Solomon & 2nd coruseHerndon HS JROTCDNF (61:52)
44Jenna Odeh & 2nd courseHerndon HS JROTCDNF (67:34)
44Joshua KayHuntingtown HS JROTCDNF (87:28)
44Liz Notter & Leah & SophieQOCDNF (94:23)
44Duncan WalkerHerndon HS JROTCDNF (100:07)
44Sumner Stone & 2nd courseBrooke Point HS NJROTCDNF (124:24)
44Andrew Drinkard & 2nd courseBrooke Point HS NJROTCDNF (127:31)
44Joseph DeyottBrooke Point HS NJROTCDNF (128:50)
44Ryan KeenanHuntingtown HS JROTCDNF (142:50)
44Josh Patishnock & 2nd courseBrooke Point HS NJROTCDNF (148:35)
44Sean SullivanHerndon HS JROTCDNF (153:37)
44Nick BallingerLoudoun County HS NJROTCDNF (160:05)
44Louis BethgeHuntingtown HS JROTCDNF (160:17)
44David Webber & 2nd courseBrooke Point HS NJROTCDNF (184:30)
44Kirk KalianLoudoun County HS NJROTCDNF (200:51)
44Craig OdellMP (57:04)
44Garrett FoxLoudoun County HS NJROTCMP (92:24)
44Michael GodfreyQOCMP (107:19)
44Daniel Yu & Michael WarlowBSA Troop 1833MP (111:29)
44Jeremy GillespieLoudoun County HS NJROTCMP (137:01)
44David Hynes & David HaynesBSA Troop 1833MP (199:45)
44Shane Hagerman & 2nd courseQOCNC (57:31)
44Dominic Thome & 2nd couseBrooke Point HS NJROTCNC (75:32)
44Ahlana Pauly & 2nd courseBrooke Point HS NJROTCNC (102:47)
44Brian Garlington & 2nd courseBrooke Point HS NJROTCNC (111:49)


Course Length: 6.4 km

Course Climb: 55 m

Number of Controls: 13

1Elliott HamiltonQOC68:51
2Bill Wright79:53
3Greg Tennille80:48
4Anne JepsenQOC88:25
5Jamie Webster & ChrisQOC89:19
6John BakerQOC94:17
7William Corr95:28
8Scott MabryQOC98:14
9Mark BaughQOC99:17
10Sidney SachsQOC101:43
11Edward EnsonQOC102:59
12Aaron FletcherHuntingtown HS JROTC103:20
13Josh BlausteinQOC108:00
14Barry Nobles108:55
15Todd Davis108:56
16Troy LydenLoudoun County HS NJROTC109:13
17Matt DehnBSA Troop 1833111:11
18George CrittendenQOC113:47
19Addie NolanQOC117:19
20Pam DvorskyPatuxent HS NJROTC119:55
21Evgenia MatveevaQOC121:48
22Don FishQOC123:23
23Michelle Svoboda & Eric MountfordQOC136:06
24Michelle HolmesQOC139:55
25Chris Hemus144:08
26Courtney HillPatuxent HS NJROTC151:57
27KirkBrooke Point HS NJROTC161:59
28Suzanne IzzoQOC166:44
29Ben StewartLoudoun County HS NJROTCDNF (84:51)
29Zachary Moren & 2nd courseHuntingtown HS JROTCDNF (103:58)
29Tyler Farnese & 2nd courseHuntingtown HS JROTCDNF (103:59)
29Rachel BlankenshipHuntingtown HS JROTCDNF (136:37)
29Eric CoppenrathBrooke Point HS NJROTCDNF (248:55)
29Lewis HartQOCMP (84:22)
29Josh PatishnockBrooke Point HS NJROTCMP (85:39)
29Henry GodfreyQOCMP (106:49)
29Grant HobarBSA Troop 1833MP (114:04)
29Aaron ArmstrongQOCMP (131:00)
29Ronnie BuzzardMP (131:04)
29Charles GilmoreBrooke Point HS NJROTCMP (168:07)


Course Length: 7.7 km

Course Climb: 60 m

Number of Controls: 15

1Daniel QuinnQOC54:08
2Amber TomasQOC56:49
3Orla Kastberg68:26
4Jessica HickeyQOC69:07
5Kim JepsenQOC75:20
6Jan MerkaQOC75:49
7Greg LennonQOC75:57
8Mike BerryQOC78:21
9Mihai SirbuQOC79:02
10Tom WellsQOC80:39
11Rolemberg Cunha81:23
12Sam ListwakQOC83:40
13Frantisek BrabecQOC86:18
14Jeremy DebonsQOC86:41
15Robert KaczorowskiPatuxent HS NJROTC87:43
16Cory InmanPatuxent HS NJROTC89:26
17Kathleen LennonQOC89:49
18Adam Issenberg92:56
19Gary SmithQOC94:56
20Alex BishopQOC95:23
21Ricardo FabilaPatuxent HS NJROTC100:34
22Virginia StrattonQOC100:58
23Troy LeBlancPatuxent HS NJROTC103:16
24Noah DixonPatuxent HS NJROTC104:41
25Mark MaceQOC106:06
26Heidi OnkstQOC107:32
27Inigo AhedoQOC111:19
28Brent SulhoffPatuxent HS NJROTC112:15
29Greg KaczorowskiPatuxent HS NJROTC114:29
30Seth BearjarPatuxent HS NJROTC115:21
31Tyler AndressLoudoun County HS NJROTC116:38
32Tobias ButlerHuntingtown HS JROTC122:55
33Derek McnamaraHuntingtown HS JROTC123:00
34Alec MorganHuntingtown HS JROTC124:22
35Nyall MeredithQOC125:42
36David WeigertQOC131:28
37Alastair YoungHerndon HS JROTC136:38
38Patrick FieldsLoudoun County HS NJROTC143:15
39Kris FortierLoudoun County HS NJROTC154:43
40Tim KaufmanLoudoun County HS NJROTC158:42
41Dan DoQOC161:00
42Christopher BurnettQOCDNF
42Thomas HickeyQOCDNF
42Chris Geis & 2nd courseHerndon HS JROTCDNF (78:07)
42Corbin Jones & 2nd coursePatuxent HS NJROTCDNF (84:11)
42Charles GregorskiQOCDNF (99:03)
42Marshall WilkinsHerndon HS JROTCMP (166:13)
42Kenneth JagersHerndon HS JROTCMP (187:29)


Course Length: 9.4 km

Course Climb: 70 m

Number of Controls: 19

1Jon TorranceQOC58:22
2Ken Walker JrCSU59:27
3Scott PlebanQOC67:49
4Nadim AhmedQOC69:17
5Ted GoodQOC74:43
6David OnkstQOC75:44
7Tom StratQOC78:38
8Dave PrudenQOC80:21
9Tom NolanQOC84:22
10Dave HauverQOC84:35
11Martin FarenfieldQOC87:57
12Peggy DickisonOK88:20
13Tony GarmanQOC98:58
14Andy BaconQOC102:34
15Charles CarrickQOC104:08
16Neal AttfieldQOC105:22
17Barton Holcomb105:38
18Francis HogleQOC117:51
19David LevineQOC159:40
20Kevin Leary & David ConnollyDNF

Abbreviations: DNF = did not finish, MP = mispunch, NC = non-competitive (usually 2nd course or course setter/vetter), OT = overtime (more than 3 hours or returned after course closing time).