
Upcoming OUSA BOD Election

The Quantico Orienteering Club is proud to be a long-time member of the United States Orienteering Federation (USOF), also known as Orienteering USA or OUSA. Like QOC, Orienteering USA is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors elected annually by its members and member clubs at an Annual General Meeting (AGM). This year the AGM is being held in Danbury, Connecticut on September 17th, in conjunction with the U.S. Classic Orienteering Championship Meet.

Annual General Meeting Notice

​11:33 AM, ​Sunday 6/12/2016 at Jug Bay

In addition to the Annual Election of Officers, the membership will vote on a Proposed Revision of the club By-Laws. It has been 18 years since the By-laws were last revised and based on the recommendations of a Special By-law Committee and a review by the Board of Directors a revised set of By-laws is being submitted for approval at the General Membership Meeting.

For full details, please see the NOTICE OF GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING section on the Jug Bay event webpage.

Need an SI-card (epunch)?

Wondering how to purchase an epunch, also known as an SI-card? They can be ordered online from at least two vendors:

Scarborough Orienteering: SI Page is here

Gale Teschendorf, GO Orienteering

For additional information about epunches see our Epunch webpage.

Calling All Mid-Atlantic Juniors

The Orienteering USA Junior Executive Steering Committee is excited to announce the formation of a Mid-Atlantic Regional Junior Orienteering Team. The team is open to all junior orienteers (under 21) who are excited about the sport and are interested in getting better through training and racing, all while creating a group of friends from around the region.

Long Day's Night Registration Open Now

Head directly to QOC's Long Day's Night website to read all about this exciting series of 3 races, including the 2014 Night Orienteering Championships, a Middle distance A-meet event, and the 2014 UltraLong Orienteering Championships. These three A-meet races take place Nov. 14 - 16 in Oregon Ridge, Hemlock, and Fountainhead parks, respectively.