Location | Directions |
Bretton Woods Pool Parking Google Map [1] | Approaching from the northeast (ex: Gaithersburg) take Darnestown Rd/Rt 28 and then Seneca Rd/Rt 112. At the River Road intersection, turn left and then in just ~100 meters turn right to enter Bretton Woods. Follow signs to the Bretton Woods Pool House parking.
Approaching from the southeast (ex: American Legion Bridge or Bethesda) drive northwest on River Rd/Rt 190 until just before it ends at Seneca Rd/Rt 112. ~100 meters before then, turn left to enter Bretton Woods. Follow signs to the Bretton Woods Pool House parking. |
[1] http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=39.0751,-77.3288&sll=39.0751,-77.3288&sspn=0.076258,0.086346&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=16
[2] http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=loc:39.0751,-77.3288&sll=39.0751,-77.3288&sspn=0.076258,0.086346&ie=UTF8&z=14
[3] https://maps.apple.com/?ll=39.0751,-77.3288&q=Bretton Woods Pool