Within each resource category, listings are roughly in order starting with those for beginners and progressing down to those more suited for advanced training and/or orienteers.
Learn Orienteering [1] - One of the best sites summarizing just about every aspect of orienteering.
Control Description Sheet [2] - Our most requested sheet, fully explaining how to decipher a control (clue) sheet as presented symbolically on intermediate and advanced courses (beginner courses usually have the clues for the control locations shown in text form rather than symbolic).
Map Symbols [3] - PDF & JPG downloadable guides for understanding orienteering map symbols.
Condes User Guides [4] This is the site to head to for guides to using Condes, the course setting program QOC uses most often.
Orienteering: The adventure sport for all [5] - Introduction to what orienteering is about, from the British Orienteering Federation; 2 min, 2007, YouTube
Orienteering for Beginners [6] - Very effective demonstration of how you do a beginner's orienteering course, made by an 11 year old; 2 min, 2006, YouTube
From Map to Compass [7] - How to set a compass bearing between where you are and where you want to go; 1 min, 2009, YouTube
Orienteering Techniques: Handrails [8] - 1st of 5 instructional videos showing fundamental navigation techniques, the others in this series being Aiming Off [9], Attack Points [10], Collecting Features [11], and Catching Features [12]; ~4 min each, 2010, YouTube
Sprint Orienteering Tips [13] - Demonstration of 3 Sprint orienteering tips; 4 min, 2007, YouTube
Follow me Tero [14] - Perhaps the original of what are now many "Tero" (Thierry Gueorgiou) videos, all of which have show many advanced skills practiced by one of the sports greatest stars; for many more from or about Tero, search YouTube for "Gueorgiou"; 2 min, 2007, YouTube
Map Symbols Training [15] - several online interactive quizzes and tutorials (including a 3D map)
Control Descriptions Quiz [16] - a full page of online interactive quizzes for learning or reviewing clue symbols
Catching Features [17] - Orienteering in the virtual world; this game can be played in multiplayer mode or on your PC, and can use real terrains as well. ($)
Attackpoint [18] - Event calendars, training logs, course splits and other very useful features can be freely used whether or not you participate in the collective kvetching that occasionally dominates discussion threads.
Better Orienteering [19] - A website to help newcomers start orienteering and to help existing orienteers improve. A PDF summary is available here [20].
O-Training [21] - A website specifically intended as a resource for orienteering technical training.
A list of vendors of orienteering gear and services can be found on the Orienteering USA website here [22].
ShareThis [23]Links:
[1] https://www.learnorienteering.com/
[2] https://qocweb.org/sites/default/files/photos/QOC_Control_Descriptions_2011.pdf
[3] https://www.maprunner.co.uk/map-symbols/
[4] https://condes.net/support/documentation/
[5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8hXwh_0sNM
[6] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZOI9kKuA4I
[7] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=er3DHdyh7oc
[8] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1teTcMsXFnQ
[9] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8ng2nXrWmA
[10] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hmevZkI24o
[11] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrtQlWGuMFE
[12] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNFoSS9krrU
[13] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oi5wBaX3EQQ
[14] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWxTIyFEFqc
[15] https://www.octavian-droobers.org/index.php/coaching/on-line-quizzes/articles/294-map-symbol-training
[16] https://www.octavian-droobers.org/index.php/coaching/on-line-quizzes/articles/280-control-description-training
[17] https://www.catchingfeatures.com/
[18] https://www.attackpoint.org
[19] https://betterorienteering.org/
[20] https://betterorienteering.files.wordpress.com/2019/12/better-orienteering-summary-v3-3.pdf
[21] https://o-training.net/
[22] https://orienteeringusa.org/orienteers/o-vendors
[23] https://www.qocweb.org/content/online-resources