We encourage everyone to volunteer at one QOC event a year - it’s a great way to meet people, make friends, improve your orienteering skills, and to have fun!
Registration: Greet and Check-in participants.
Parking: Guide participants to the parking area.
Event Photographer: Photograph participants.
Beginner Instruction: As an intermediate orienteer you can sign up to teach basic orienteering to first-timers.
Kid's String-O: Support our youngest members by helping to set up or oversee a String-O course.
Control Pickup: As an intermediate/advanced orienteer you can sign up to pick up controls.
Event Director: Organize an orienteering event. If you’ve never been an Event Director shadow an experienced one at an event. After that you’ll be ready to organize a future orienteering event as the Event Director.
Course Designer: Design and set an orienteering course. If you’ve never been a course designer we have several ways for you to learn from QOC’s experienced course designers.
Donate your professional skills: We can help you find a volunteer position that uses your skill set.
Attend our board meetings: Serve as a club officer or member of the Board of Directors.
Contact the Event Director: QOC events have an event director email contact form on the event website page, use it to let the E.D. know that you are available to help at their event.
Click The Volunteer Button: If the event has an option to sign up through the event website page, click the Volunteer button and use SignupGenius to schedule your role and time.
An Event Director Asks for Your Help: Say yes. How can I help?
Get More Information: Contact our Outreach Coordinator [1] to find out how you too can volunteer with QOC!
ShareThis [2]Links:
[1] http://qocweb.org/contact/Yepremian/Sharmagh
[2] https://www.qocweb.org/content/volunteer